This is a work in progress, the writer (and MOBC) take no responsibility for any connection with actual vehicular values or sale prices, or how much fun you are going to get.
Nor for additional costs (money, marriage, reputation, street cred, barked knuckles), your level of happiness, the weather, government legislation, the state of the roads or what your wife, friends, police, girlfriend or children think.
Remember, lost opportunities, childhood, wish fulfilment and straight outright stupidity are your own responsibility, if you really, really want it then offer more, but remember.......
Cars (and drivers) built before the speed limits were introduced are still liable to them, even if they can't reach them.
I may be adjusting the figures to conform with other people's opinions, and haven't worked out any inflation factor. The current top figure is in excess of £6000. That would be a spectacular car, I think there are one or two. Yours? No comment.