I was referring before, to my being older and bigger, well, while I can do little about the first, except ignore it, I've had some progress with the second, we've been trying a diet! I know, we've heard it all before too. This one has a new wrinkle......stop eating.
Well, actually it is more of a cycle of not eating very much for two days in the week. That's 500 (for Females) or 600 (for Males) calories for two days and eat normally for the rest of the week. Of course if you are the kind of person who loses a pound and celebrates with a week of excess then you aren't going to get much benefit, but I have lost two stone in a few months. It was triggered by a TV programme by Dr Michael Mosely.
Here is a link to a Newspaper article, You can find his stuff by Googling him, but in case it goes out of fashion, or you just want a stripped down version, here's a copy of the text.
Our reason for starting it was not so much for the weight loss as the other health benefits. I'll let you read the article for that, but it helps prevent diabetes and the like. The weight loss bit seems to work and I feel fitter for that at least. I started for the improvements to the repair system and that is difficult to evaluate, but things don't seem to have worsened anyway. Dr Mosely has written a book on the subject, which I haven't seen yet, we await its arrival, but in the meantime I have lost about 2 stone with no noticeable side effects. I think I'm sleeping better, though that's very subjective, and my healing rate seems a little better. Again it's difficult to evaluate that without controlled experiment and I don't intend to injure myself to find out.
Always consult your doctor before making dramatic dietary changes, DIY intervention by cutting off major fat deposits is not recommended.

The 5-2 Regime
Normal eating pattern for 5 days followed by 600kcal (male) per day for 2 days